Our MagChip CT/NGR+/TV/MGR+ tests for common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with resistance profiling before your patient leaves the visit. Use MagChipR’s novel GMR technology to guide therapeutic choices quickly and effectively.

*In development

Simultaneous STI + AMR actionable results < 20 minutes

Simultaneous STI + AMR actionable results < 20 minutes

Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG)

◦ Fluoroquinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NGR+)

Trichomonas vaginalis (TV)

Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)

◦ Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium (MGR+)

Accepted sample types

Oral swab

Urine sample

Vaginal swab

Rectal swab

Prevent the spread of STIs

Earlier and better triage and treatment decisions lead to definitive, resistance-guided, and Expedited Partner Therapies, which reduce transmission, reinfection, and adverse reproductive health complications.

Sample-to-Result Workflow

MagChipR + MagChip   


  • Sample lysis
  • PCR amplification
  • Nucleic acid hybridization
  • Detection of target sequences
  • Distinction of AMR strains
  • Simple, clean, and minimalistic user workflow

Sample lysis

Nucleic acid hybridization

Simple, clean, and minimalistic user workflow

PCR amplification

Distinction of AMR strains

Detection of target sequences

MagChip CT/NGR+/TV/MGR+ Panel offers unparalleled advantages

Fast time-to-results during appointment

Obtains multiple results from one sample

Eliminates empiric treatment

Promotes antimicrobial stewardship

Eliminates patient loss to follow-up

Enables expedited partner therapy

Increases patient satisfaction


Slide 1

Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia is the most common STI globally¹. Most people are unaware they have chlamydia, as the majority of infections are asymptomatic. Rapid diagnosis and treatment is critical to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, and infertility.

¹ Global Health Sector Strategy on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2022-2030

Slide 2

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Gonorrhea is the second most common bacterial STI globally¹. Antimicrobial resistance among Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been labeled an urgent public health threat by the WHO, but pathogen genotyping and resistance-guided therapy has been shown to dramatically enhance cure rates.

¹ Global Health Sector Strategy on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2022-2030

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Trichomonas vaginalis

Trichomoniasis is estimated to be the most prevalent non-viral STI worldwide¹. However, almost 70-85% of infections have little to no symptoms. Symptomatic infections present similarly to some bacterial or yeast infections, yet protozoan trichomoniasis is treated with unique medication. Rapid diagnosis and differentiation is key to a successful treatment.

¹ Global Health Sector Strategy on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2022-2030

Slide 3

Mycoplasma genitalium

Mycoplasma genitalium causes both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection. When left untreated, the infection can cause cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women. Resistance-guided therapy is recommended by the CDC¹ and European guidelines², and has demonstrated cure rates >90%.

¹ CDC Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021
² 2021 European guideline on management of Mycoplasma genitalium infections

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