Creating MagIC

Faster comprehensive results, better outcomes

*In development

Pathogen + AMR < 20 minutes

(assay dependent)

MagChipR™ POC LOC MDx Analyzer*

Infectious Disease POCT

Why wait for results?

Just Chip It TM

Faster results, better outcomes.

The MagIC MagChipR and MagChip have not been approved or cleared by the U.S Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory authority.

The performance characteristics of these devices have not been established.

MagChipR™ POC LOC MDx Analyzer*

Infectious Disease POCT

*Product in development, not FDA cleared

Pathogen + AMR < 20 minutes

(assay dependent)

*Product in development, not FDA cleared

Pathogen + AMR < 20 minutes

(assay dependent)

Why wait for results?

Just Chip It TM

Faster comprehensive results, better outcomes

Why wait for results?

Just Chip It TM

Faster comprehensive results, better outcomes

The MagChipR™ is the First-of-its-kind

Point-of-Care (POC)

Lab-on-Chip (LOC)

Molecular Diagnostic (MDx) Analyzer

The MagChipR™ is the First-of-its-kind Point-of-Care (POC) Lab-on-Chip (LOC) Molecular Diagnostic (MDx) Analyzer

Ultra-fast PCR combined with DNA detection on a single giant magnetoresistance (GMR) biosensor chip provides simultaneous results for pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility within 20 minutes (assay dependent), enabling definitive susceptibility-guided therapy leading to better outcomes.

Rapid Results

Within 20 minutes (assay



Near patient


Fully automated

Highly Multiplexed

Detect up to 64 targets

Ease of Use

Intuitive + guided prompts


High sensitivity and specificity


Low operating costs

Advancing diagnostics!

ID causative pathogen and its resistance profile

No laborious and time-consuming phenotypic determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities in microbiology labs.

Do it in-house!

No laborious and time-consuming phenotypic determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities in microbiology labs.

Do it in-house!